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In this article, we will explore the reasons why the ‘for’ loop behaves differently when created with ‘var’ and ‘let’ along with a callback function. We will dissect the causes by focusing on the concept of scope in JavaScript.
Alamin Shaikh
Full Stack Developer
The ‘useEffect’ hook is an essential tool that I use in almost every React application I build. A clear understanding of this hook and its practical applications will help you develop superior React applications.
The ‘useState’ hook is an essential tool I use in every React application I develop. A solid grasp of this hook will improve your ability to build efficient React applications.
In real-world applications, you will often encounter the need to remove duplicates from an array. In this article, we will explore two easy ways to solve this problem.
These are some array methods I use fairly frequently when building production applications. Understanding these methods will make working with JavaScript arrays easier for you.
These are some string methods I use fairly frequently when building production applications. Understanding these methods will make working with JavaScript strings easier for you.
Understanding rest and spread operators will enhance your ability to work with arrays and objects and enable you to write clean, flexible, and precise JavaScript code.
Understanding the similarities and distinctions between array and object destructuring and their usage will enable you to write robust and efficient JavaScript code.
Exploring the concept of prototypes, prototypal inheritance, and the prototype chain in JavaScript to enhance the core understanding of the language and how it works behind the scenes.
Understanding the concept of closure, and how it is created and works behind the scenes will give you a clearer perspective of yet another advanced JavaScript topic.